IFSC Commentator Matt Groom about the Worldcup Season 2024

Matt Groom - Picture by Jan Virt
Matt Groom – Picture by Jan Virt

The new IFSC worldcup season starts on the 9th of April in China. There will also be some Pre-Worldcup events like the Studio Bloc Masters, that take place while you are listening to this new episode – on the 9th and 10th of March.

I asked IFSC commentator Matt Groom to make a pre-season talk on the podcast. We talk about what will be important in the year 2024 and how the Olympics will affect the Worldcup Season. Matt will give some insights into his work for the IFSC.

But we also look back at 2023, because as a young mother I have limited time and I could not catch up with all the IFSC streams last year. So I also asked Matt to tell me what I missed last year.

Thank you Matt for taking the time and talking to me. Looking forward to the new season!

Photo credit: Jan Virt

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Interview with Yuji Hirayama

The History and Career of Japans First Climbing Star

BIN WEG BOULDERN Interview with Yuji Hirayama. Photo Credit: Takuya Nagamine
BIN WEG BOULDERN Interview with Yuji Hirayama. Photo Credit: Takuya Nagamine

In 1991 Yuji Hirayama was the first Climber from Japan to win a Climbing Worldcup. He became a star in the scene and inspired many young people in his country to develop their climbing skills.

Today Yuji is a gym owner and organizer of the North Face Cup – a competition series with a concept, comparable to the Boulder Bundesliga in germany.

In this episode you will learn about Yujis biography, his career and the climbing scene and culture in Japan.

Thank you Yuji for the talk!

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Boulder Worldcup München 2019 Galerie

Fanny Gibert beim Boulder Worldcup in München 2019
Fanny Gibert beim Boulder Worldcup in München 2019

Der IFSC Boulder Worldcup in München ist jedes Jahr ein Highlight in der Boulder Worldcup-Reihe. Auch wenn München dieses Jahr nicht (wie sonst) die letzte Station des Jahres war – und somit nicht die Gesamt-Worldcupsieger gekürt wurden, war es dennoch ein absolut spannender Wettkampf mit einem Wahnsinns-Publikum. 4000 Menschen waren gekommen um die Athleten klettern zu sehen. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass es schon während der Qualifikation und im Semifinale voll war wie noch nie! Man konnte sich schon im Semifinale kaum bewegen im Publikum, was doch recht anstrengend war. Nächstes Jahr soll der Boulder Worldcup in der größeren Eishockey-Halle stattfinden, wo dann wohl auch mehr Publikum hinein passt. Ich bin gespannt wie die Stimmung dort sein wird! Hier sind meine Bilder aus diesem Jahr:

Zur Galerie