My report about the Women’s Bouldering Festival 2018 in Fontainebleau

At the Women's Bouldering Festival 2018 in Fontainebleau
At the Women’s Bouldering Festival 2018 in Fontainebleau

For the first time, this year in september, the Women’s Bouldering Festival took place in Fontainebleau. A dedicated boulderer, Zofia Reych, organized the event and I think it was a success. I had so much fun there, got to know some interesting women and I would like to tell you more about the event in this episode. You will also hear some of the participants opinions. I also tried to answer one question for myself: Why is there a need for female events in the bouldering scene? If you’ve listened to the episode, I’d be curious to hear what you think about it! And now have fun with this episode about the Women’s Bouldering Festival!

„My report about the Women’s Bouldering Festival 2018 in Fontainebleau“ weiterlesen

Zofia Reych about the Women’s Bouldering Festival in Fontainebleau

About the idea and organization of the Women’s Bouldering Festival

Zofia Reych in Fontainebleau at the Women's Bouldering Festival
Zofia Reych in Fontainebleau at the Women’s Bouldering Festival

Zofia Reych is living a dream that a lot of boulderers and climbers have. She organizes her whole working life around climbing. She is a digital nomad, works completely online and travels to wherever she wants to climb outdoors. But that is not the only amazing fact about her life. She also is the organizer of the first ever Women’s Bouldering Festival in Fontainebleau! I have been to the Festival and of course I did not miss the chance to talk to Zofia. I am happy that she took the time even though she had lot’s of work to do before the Festival. Thank you Zofia – for the interview and also for all the effort you put into the Women’s Bouldering Festival!

„Zofia Reych about the Women’s Bouldering Festival in Fontainebleau“ weiterlesen

Gaetane Hay (Forestry Office Fontainebleau) about bouldering in Fontainebleau

Gaetane Hay about bouldering in Fontainebleau
Gaetane Hay about bouldering in Fontainebleau

Bouldering in Fontainebleau – climbers have been doing this for decades. And many more will come, because the sport is booming. But what does that do to the forest? I have been visiting the Women’s Bouldering Festival in Fontainebleau und there I heard a very interesting talk of Gaetane Hay. She is the head of the „tourism and biodiversity unit“ at the local Forestry Office in Bleau and she also is a climber. Her job is to preserve the nature and at the same time, keep everything safe for the boulderers. I am happy that she allowed me to use her speech for a podcast episode, so that I can share her thoughts and knowledge with you. You will hear, that Gaetane is passionate. Not everyone treats Fontainebleau with respect. You will also hear interesting news about new infrastructure, that the officials are planning in Bleau. So have fun with this episode about bouldering in Fontainebleau!

„Gaetane Hay (Forestry Office Fontainebleau) about bouldering in Fontainebleau“ weiterlesen

Mein erstes Mal Bouldern in Fontainebleau…

… oder „Der Kampf mit dem Kopf und mit den Felsen“

Bouldern in Fontainebleau - ich erzähle von meinen Erfahrungen beim ersten Bleau-Besuch.

Bouldern in Fontainebleau – ich erzähle von meinen Erfahrungen beim ersten Bleau-Besuch.

Ich war zum ersten Mal Bouldern in Fontainebleau. Natürlich will ich dir hier im Podcast erzählen, wie es war, aber es fällt mir nicht wirklich leicht. Fontainebleau ist dieser mythische Ort, von dem so viele Boulderer schwärmen. Es fällt mir nicht leicht zu sagen, dass es für mich nicht so wirklich schön war. Es fällt mir schwer zuzugeben, dass ich schon nach dem ersten Tag wieder zurück in eine Boulderhalle wollte. Ich hatte zu kämpfen – nicht nur mit den Bouldern, sondern vor allem mit meinem Kopf! Was genau passiert ist, hörst du in dieser Folge. Du bekommst auch einen ersten Eindruck vom Women’s Bouldering Festival, das ich in Fontainebleau besucht habe. Auch die Teilnehmerinnen von dort haben ihre Erfahrungen mit dem Bouldern Fontainebleau mit mir geteilt.

„Mein erstes Mal Bouldern in Fontainebleau…“ weiterlesen